
The Unstoppable Advance of Artificial Intelligence

For a while now, we have been talking more often and in increasing detail about the importance of artificial intelligence in the financial sector. This is not just about greater computational power or more efficient processes. The emergence of AI has meant completely redefining the relationship with the customer and a genuine restructuring of the …

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The banking industry wins if it is open to exploring new horizons

When we are nally able to look back and calmly reect on the previous year, we will realise that few times in history have two such disruptive events coincided: COVID-19 and the digital transformation. With the digital transformation, we had already embarked upon a journey that was redening many business models that were previously considered …

The banking industry wins if it is open to exploring new horizons Read More »

Artificial Intelligence: a key tool for recovering debt

Press ReleaseMadrid, 9th Feb 2021New technological tools can help optimise portfolio management and debt recoveryGDS Modellica’s technological and analytical solutions enable companies to automate decisions, increase customer loyalty and predict risk behavioursAn increasing number of financial companies and organisations are turning to innovations like automation, predictive technology, advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to recover …

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Key Factors for Optimising Debt Collection

Press Release Madrid, 25th Jan 2021 Knowing the customer’s complete background before agreeing to a loan will help to detect potential risks of late payment or identify payment guarantees Good financial health, according to GDS Modellica, requires effective technology to manage debt recovery and detect identity fraud quickly. Prevention is better than cure. For a …

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The (real) opportunities for the banking industry post-COVID-19

Unlike previous crises, the COVID-19 crisis is not a banking crisis. It’s a crisis of the real economy, and this means that the disruption is somewhat different from previous crashes over the decades. Whilst we shouldn’t be complacent about the possible effects on the banking industry, the predictions of experts point to the banking industry’s …

The (real) opportunities for the banking industry post-COVID-19 Read More »

The main causes of non-payments and the need for an effective strategy

Press Release Madrid, 18th Jan 2021 Financial, liquidity and economic problems, unexpected incidents, poor management, lack of an invoice tracking system, emotional problems are some of the main causes for late or non-payments Modellica Collection Suite from GDS Modellica uses the power of data analysis to help businesses to increase revenue by automating and accelerating …

The main causes of non-payments and the need for an effective strategy Read More »

CESCE opts for the Modellica Decision Suite

Press Release Madrid, 11th Jan 2021 A flexible solution from GDS Modellica which makes it possible to adapt to different scenarios and processes to increase recoveries, direct collection actions, automate decisions and increase customer retention. The Modellica Suite Originations Module provides business users with an optimised, easy-to-use environment with guaranteed reliability and agility.As well as …

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The Banking Sector Called to Lead the Way Following the Pandemic

Of all the sectors that have had to quickly adapt to the new requirements and restrictions because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the banking industry is one of the ones that stand out the most. In record time, it has had to transform into a completely remote service and use operational models that hadn’t previously been …

The Banking Sector Called to Lead the Way Following the Pandemic Read More »

Capital on Tap chooses Modellica Originations from GDS Modellica for their credit card application processes

Press ReleaseMadrid, 10th Dic 2020 Capital on Tap has invested in Modellica Originations, high-power decision engine software from GDS Modellica, to create a pioneering credit analysis system for SMEs and self-employed workers in the UK, Spain and the USA Capital on Tap, a fintech dedicated to providing working capital financing to SMEs and self-employed workers, …

Capital on Tap chooses Modellica Originations from GDS Modellica for their credit card application processes Read More »

Fintechs: the unstoppable momentum driven by the pandemic

“The business changes. The technology changes. The team changes. The team members change. The problem isn’t change, per se, because change is going to happen; the problem, rather, is the inability to cope with change when it comes”. The author of these words, the North American software engineer Kent Beck, may not be the most …

Fintechs: the unstoppable momentum driven by the pandemic Read More »

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CESCE opts for the GDS Modellica Decision Suite
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